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Post: Is tap water safe to drink?

Is tap water safe to drink?

Is tap water safe to drink? You may ask. What you may not know is that the regular tap water being supplied in your home might seem clear but may possess various sorts of health-affecting heavy metals? In addition,  tap water may  have micro-organisms and other types of waste particles. According to research, contaminated water can lead to diseases like- diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. It is estimated to cause 502 000 deaths each year.

It is therefore key to ensure that you have a water purifier at home. This ensures that your tap water is safe and clean. There are different types of water purification systems you can consider. One of them is the RO (Reverse osmosis) which removes heavy metals and UV (Ultra Violet) which kills bacteria. Our under sink R.O contains these two systems making your water extremely safe to drink. Do not stress wondering whether your tap water is safe to drink.

Is tap water safe to drink?

Make the smart move today and join other thousands of customers. Our high performing under sink R.O will provide you and your household high performance Drinking water system. Giving you a refreshing crisp taste, superior to bottled water!

2 Responses

  1. Am Eunice,came across your company from google I studied plumbing and pipe fitting in ICScolleage,did a trade test 111 and got a pass,have my results yet to get my certificate.was requesting for an internship if in any case there’s a chance.looking forward to hearing from you soon thanks.

  2. Am Eunice,came across your company from google I studied plumbing and pipe fitting in ICScolleage,did a trade test 111 at NITA and got a pass,have my results ,yet to get my certificate.was requesting for an internship in your company if by any chance I can get.lookingforward to your reply.Thanks

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